He is our past and we will be his future.

Who is Mr. Chura?

The story of

Mr. Chura

The story of Mr. Chura began 60 years after somebody came up with the idea of making the first Gin&Tonic. Coincidence? We don’t think so.

Branko Chura was born in Churug, a small town in Vojvodina, from where he took brave steps to the great world and the first great war. First stop – Russian Front. From there, Chura continued his journey through Vladivostok and Yokohama, all the way to Seattle and Chicago.

Mr. Chura

Mr. Chura

America was his promised land. There, he devoted his time to boxing, whilst developing a career as an exclusive American shop window designer. Drawing was also one of his passions and we can say that time was kind to most of Branko’s drawings, which have been discovered and preserved in good condition. Some are lying in hard cover files; some are hanging on the walls. Versatile and adventurous, Branko Chura travelled across America, recorded his impressions and sent them to his family and friends in Churug. He wrote about his travels and the people he had met. A special place in Chura’s letters belonged to his fascination with drinks, which he had the opportunity to taste. You’ve guessed it – he liked a good gin!

After 46 years, Chura returns to Churug, his hometown. He was not the type of a man who goes abroad and returns in a fast car, with suitcases full of money, wearing an expensive leather jacket

He entered Churug carrying in one hand his hand luggage and in the other a violin for his granddaughter Ljubica. “Money is not to be kept, money is to be spent,” he wrote in his letters, and that is precisely how he lived. Shortly after his return, he bought a house in Churug.

Mr. Chura

Mr. Chura

This was Chura’s path, as his great-grandson learned by going through the old documents. The name Branko Chura was on the list of ship passengers, alongside with his American wife Eva. Amongst all saved papers and letters, besides many interesting stories about Chura’s travels, an old recipe for gin was discovered. Thanks to this recipe and in accordance with it, in Chura’s very own home in Churug, Mr. Chura distillery was born.

Branko Chura left a rich and valuable legacy, and we are here to bring it back to life. He is our past and we will be his future.